Pessary Advice and Fitting
A pessary is a device designed to be worn in the vagina to provide support to the pelvic organs. It can be used to relieve the symptoms of prolapse and/or stress incontinence. Pessaries have previously been thought of as a last resort or instead of surgery but many women find huge benefit from wearing a pessary who haven’t considered surgery.
Depending on the type of pessary and your individual circumstance they can remain in situ or can be worn only when a bit of extra support is needed during certain activities.
Pessary fitting can be difficult to access or involve a lengthy wait through the NHS which has led some women to buy their own devices directly from the internet. If this is your situation then I advise on a suitable device and check it is sitting properly.
Before making recommendations, a full history and physical examination is performed. If a pessary is recommended then it will be part of a whole treatment plan, with a follow-up appointment to check the fit and make sure there are no complications.